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Fall 2024 Issue

Editor-in-Chief's Note:

This semester has begun the bittersweet journey of my senior year at Berry. There have been moments when I realize the beautiful things I experience everyday are some of my last here. These moments have put me on a rollercoaster of emotions. My heart is beating on the way up and my stomach drops on the way down, but when I get off the ride I feel accomplished and ecstatic. I think of the happiness and terror that clowns bring as something similar to how we feel about change. It can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time and those feelings are hard to experience. However, there is something in the mystery that sparks curiosity.

The hardest thing in life is finding those who will walk the tight rope with you. I know that every staff member and volunteer on this team has done this and more. This semester, we had more people interested in working with the magazine as volunteers than I ever thought possible. They let me bring my tomfoolery and mischief to the issue by playing some dress up and feeding into my circus fantasy. Moreover, they brought imagination and creativity to the team that I want to carry into next semester. It has been an honor to be your ring leader this semester and I am eager to fly into the next one!

What I offer you for the time being is to be your own shooting star. Don’t wait for it to appear in the night sky. Make it happen.

- Grace Todd

Ramifications Fall 2024

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Spring 2024 Issue

Editor-in-Chief's Note:

As I look back on my time in Ramifications, one thing stands out to me most of all: the joy of making something beautiful and sharing it with people. Creative people take something nondescript, and through their own power and ingenuity, make something new and beautiful that makes the world a little better for the rest of us. 

I find myself gravitating towards creative people more and more these days, and not just because I used the label myself. Working for Ramifications has given me the opportunity to see how much creativity and beauty exists in the world around me, right under my nose. This magazine has shown me that everyone is capable of creating something incredible, and I am so beyond thankful for the opportunity to be a part of that process. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has submitted to Ramifications. Your talent keep us and Berry going. I’d also like to thank my staff, without whom this magazine would simply not be possible. Thanks to Kevin Kleine, our advisor, who is always there to help us with disasters and to let us into the building when we lock ourselves out. I’d also like to extend my congratulations to Grace Todd, who will be our next editor-in-chief! I am confident that with her at the helm, Ramifications can reach even greater heights in our bright future. 

Ad astra per aspera, -Emma Buoni

Ramifications, Spring 2024

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Fall 2023 Issue

Editor-in-Chief's Note:

Nostalgia is a powerful emotion, something that can be borderline overwhelming for so many people. Just a sight, a sound, a smell, a taste, even a touch can send us careening back into the past; to a time we remember with rose-colored glasses. Nostalgia is like a warm blanket on a cold day, comforting us with good memories when things felt brighter and simpler, even if those memories may be tinged with a bit of grief now that they have come and gone. 

I find myself leaning into nostalgia more and more these days, as I grow older and hopefully wiser. I look back on my memories like I’m scrolling through a camera roll, wistful for something benign like a movie with friends or a world that felt easier. But I think it’s important to remember that those times have passed. We live in the here and now, and though the things in our current lives can be stressful and downright uncomfortable, there’s magic and wonder even in the most mundane moments of our present lives, and it’s imperative never to forget that.  

Thank you to the writers and artists of this edition for their contributions, and for making mine and many others’ present moments all the more memorable. Thank you to my staff for making new nostalgic memories with me and an incredible magazine. And thank you, reader, for your time, and attention. I hope you enjoy the Fall 2023 edition of Ramifications!

-Emma Buoni

Ramifications, Fall 2023

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Spring 2023 Issue

Editor-in-Chief's Note:

Ramifications turned 55 this semester. It’s amazing to think about how much time has passed since the fist issues and to wonder how much has changed - and has not - since 1968.

It is also mindbogglingly crazy to me that this is my last issue of Ramification. It is amazing how fast time has gone. I still imagine that my first Ram meeting was just a week ago, instead of seven semesters. I have met many amazing people during my time here - who have inspired, taught, and helped me throughout my entire time at Berry and with Ramifications.

To list just a few of the folks, there’s Kevin Kleine, our advisor, Shannon Rainey, the editor-in-chief before me, and everyone on my staff, both while I was a volunteer and now as editor-in-chief. There are many, many more people I simply cannot fit in a short note, but I hope they realize the limitless gratitude I have for their support and encouragement. I am also excited to announce that Em Buoni will be our next editor-in-chief ! I look forward to seeing the work they do and I know they will do an amazing job.

I give thanks to our artists and writers who have trusted me with the work that means so much to them and to share it with the Berry community. And I give thanks to you, reader, for giving us your time.

-Asa Daniels

Ramifications, Spring 2023

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Fall 2022 Issue

Editor-in-Chief's Note:

Working at Ramifications is always an experience. No two semesters are ever the same – new problems and new ideas always arise each time production begins. There are always new artists and writers who submit pieces the likes of which have never been in Ramifications. Not only that, but there’s always new ideas that come directly from my staff that I never would’ve thought of. Ramifications is a group experience, something that everyone plays an important role in, no matter how seemingly small. 

Thus, I would like to thank everyone for their own creativity and the unique ideas they all bring to the table – from my advisor, our artists, our writers, and the staff – y'all make this magazine possible and this experience something to cherish forever. 

I hope you enjoy reading this semester’s issue of Ramifications. You’ll be seeing a lot more of us – both online and in person – so keep an eye out for great things coming soon! 

-Asa Daniels

Ramifications, Fall 2022

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Spring 2022 Issue

Editor-in-Chief's Note:

Place - sometimes it is a literal location, an area of land where trees, birds, animals, roads, buildings, and people reside. However, for humans, it is rarely ever that simple. Places become infused with our memories and experiences, with the people who live in these same locations as we. Stories, jokes, and emotions are shared between compatriots in halls, rooms, and even along trails. There is something in the air of a special place we've been to that makes that location reside forevermore in our memory.

Berry is one of those special places for myself. I have found many great friends, experienced wonderful joy, and have learned much about myself in my time here. I cannot fathom my college experience being anywhere but Berry College, thanks to the great work being done by students, faculty, and staff alike. There is a certain unique humanity here which may be reflected in different places around the world, but is still unique to Berry. There is still much to do in making this place a home for all, but I know there are many, many people striving for that goal. 

Thank you for reading this semester's issue of Ramifications. I also want to thank our authors and artists for sharing their pieces with us for the community to enjoy! 

-Asa Daniels

Ramifications, Spring 2022

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DEI 2022 Issue

Editor's Note:

When I went to my first meeting as a volunteer at Ramifications, it felt like stepping into a room of people I was meant to know and become friends with. The Berry community is strong and always has been, but it is through things like this that we continue to grow stronger. When I was first approached about this special edition focused on diverse voices, I was excited, overwhelmed, and honestly, emotional. 

As someone who is neurodivergent and queer, this issue is incredibly important to me. I wanted to create a space that felt safe for anyone to share their story however they felt comfortable, and I am proud to say we accomplished that. 

I want to thank all of the amazing authors and artists who sent their work to us at Ramifications, and for trusting us with your pieces. I know firsthand how difficult it can be to share your stories, and I applaud you all for doing so. I am honored to be a part of uplifting and showcasing your voices.

Thank you for reading and supporting these communities. 

-Kayla Slack

Ramifications, DEI 2022

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 Fall 2021 Issue

Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

After two years working as a volunteer for Ramifications, I was both excited and anxious to take the helm as editor-in-chief. From the first Ramifications meeting I went to, I remember that it was the community that I liked the most. It was a small bundle of people who came together to publish Berry College's various forms of expression - art, poems, prose, and music - into a magazine that everyone could enjoy.

And now, as editor-in-chief, I've realized a lot of things. I realized how much work goes on behind the scenes. There are numerous emails, calls, meetings, drafts, and panic-modes that happen which don't end up being seen on the page. I've realized the role of leadership is a complex one, where you have to consider the abilities not only of your staff, but yourself. You have to be aware of time and the various other commitments that students at Berry may have. Not to mention, production day has a plethora of little things that come up all of a sudden that need to be fixed before you send the magazine to the printer. 

Yet, through all of that, I realized another thing: community remains. Through selection night, the production days, and Ram Slam, everyone on the team has worked hard to help bring this magazine to life. I give thanks to my staffers and volunteers who have come together to help make this fall issue an amazing experience of creation. And I give thanks as well to everyone who submitted, for showing that Berry is full of creative expression, no matter how much work we all have to do. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

-Asa Daniels

Ramifications, Fall 2021

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Spring 2021 Issue

Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

It’s been strange for me to be able to chart my time as editor based on the chaos in the world. I began in January 2020, just months before the pandemic struck and changed our lives forever. And now, as we begin to move back towards something we could call “normal,” my time here comes to a close. With graduation rapidly approaching, I must now prepare to say goodbye to Ramifications and the staff who have been by my side through the journey of these past years. I am incredibly proud to hand the editor-in-chief role over to Asa Daniels, who has been working with us since his first semester at Berry, and I am excited to see what he and Kayla Slack (as online editor and special edition editor) will do next year. I am so thankful for this team who built the magazine and for the Berry community and our chapter of Sigma Tau Delta who submitted the work to fill it. I will miss you all.

-Shannon Rainey

Ramifications, Spring 2021

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Fall 2020 Issue

Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

This year continues to be one that none of us expected. But through all the chaos, I find myself so thankful for this team, who have continuously remained flexible, committed, and optimistic. Additionally, I am so thankful for the Berry community and our chapter of Sigma Tau Delta for sharing their work with us. We received more submissions this semester than we did before the campus closed last spring, and we had so many wonderful works of art and writing that we wished we had more pages in our magazine. I'm so proud of our contributors—including those we weren't able to publish this time—for staying creative and using their voice through art. Ramifications genuinely would not be what it is without all of you.

-Shannon Rainey

Ramifications, Fall 2020

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Spring/Summer 2020 Issue

Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

I would like to start off by thanking my incredible staff, who I am so blessed to have by my side during this chaotic semester. Even though a literary magazine isn’t often considered “essential” work, many of my staff members were dedicated to our purpose enough to sacrifice their time and money to produce this issue on a volunteer basis. In January, when we planned this issue, we talked about the future of the 2020s and the pessimism our generation often faces. We were optimistic. This year has been a difficult one, to say the least, for a lot of people and for a lot of reasons. And though we never would’ve expected to be where we are now, I’m so glad to have this team and their continued optimism. 
I’m reminded of a quote from Dead Poet’s Society: “Medicine, law, business, engineering: these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love... these are what we stay alive for.” This team and this magazine has often been what’s kept me going this semester. I’m so thankful for Berry’s Creative Writing department, Sigma Tau Delta, and Ramifications for providing me with a group of fantastic friends who believe like I do: that survival is insufficient — we must live. And we need art to help us.

-Shannon Rainey

Ramifications, Spring 2020

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Fall 2019 Issue

Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

Every moment since I've started working for Ram has been such a blessing. Thanks with all my heart to Darian and Miranda for setting prime examples of how to be a great Editor for Ram. I hope I've made them proud to be their successor. Thank you to my incredible Ram Team - I have the best crew yet, and I'm so incredibly thankful for each and every one of them. Thanks to you wonderful readers, writers, and artists who keep this magazine alive and thriving! I'm excited to release a new website for future Ramifications use, and I'm happy to pass the baton on to Shannon as I graduate in December. This has been a wild ride, and I'm so sad to see it come to a close. As a member of Sigma Tau Delta, a Creative Writing student, a writer and an editor, thank you to Ramifications for nurturing my skills and being my happy place these last three years.

-Emory R. Frie

Ramifications, Fall 2019

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Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

My favorite part of working for Ramifications over the years has always been reading the submissions. I love to see what Berry students have to offer. My goal with Ramifications is always to create a beautiful magazine where people are proud to show off their work. I’ve dedicated countless hours along with my staff to this magazine, and we are so proud to share it with all of you. I want to thank Abigail Stallings, our art editor, for creating the cover, back cover, centerfold, and all the other beautiful illustrations that you see spread throughout our magazine. As it is my last semester at Berry I’m sad to leave Ramifications behind, but I know I couldn’t be leaving the magazine in better hands than with our upcoming Editor-in-Chief, Emory Frie. I want to thank our readers, and our submitters for helping us make this magazine into what it is today.

-Miranda Heyman

Ramifications, Spring 2019

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Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

This is my third year working for Ramifications and my first semester as Editor-in-Chief. We had to say goodbye to many of our beloved staff last year as they went on to the next chapter of their lives. We’ve rebuilt our staff, and I am so thankful for all the hard work and dedication they have put toward our magazine this year. I want to thank everyone who submitted and encourage them to keep creating beautiful works to share with the world. It is so important for people to have a platform where they can showcase their creativity. I want to thank the remarkable artists and writers who are being published; we are so proud to showcase your talent and artistic abilities. I am so honored to be able to share our magazine with our readers and I hope that they will enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

-Miranda Heyman

Ramifications, Fall 2018

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Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

I have poured my heart into all editions of RAM that I have been a part of, but this one in particular has been a passion project more than any preceding it. For the past three semesters I have been pushing the limits of our magazine from changing the font (for the first time since the early 2000's) to developing a website this semester, and I couldn't be prouder of what we have accomplished. I also want to take a moment to thank our staff illustrator, Hillary Albertson, for creating the cover, back cover, centerfold, and all of the other beautiful illustrations that you see scattered throughout the pages.

This is my last semester on staff, which is heartbreaking. I knew that I wanted to work for Ramifications from the moment that I decided I was going to Berry, and after four years of showcasing our incredible student talent, I couldn't be happier with all of the work that we have done. Now, I am extremely excited to see where the upcoming Editor-in-Chief, Miranda Heyman, will take this magazine.

Thank you, readers, for picking up RAM, and thank you, submitters, for being talented creators and keeping the literary & arts community alive at Berry.

-Darian Kuxhouse

Ramifications, Spring 2018

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Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

I would like to thank, first, my staff for working diligently to help create a space that showcases Berry's student talent. We have created a beautiful magazine packed with pieces that we hope you, the reader, will be moved by just as much as we are. Secondly, I would like to thank the wonderful writers and artists who we are publishing. We received more submissions this year, particularly in art, than we have in all of my four years working for this magazine, and I am thrilled. Keep it up. Finally, I want to thank our readers for helping us keep our love of the arts alive. We want to spread our passion to everyone who will give us a minute of their time, and we hope that you will share this magazine with friends and family or perhaps leave a copy on a bus for a stranger to pick up. Next semester, my last semester before I graduate, we will be bringing RAM back bigger than ever, keep an eye out.

-Darian Kuxhouse

Ramifications, Fall 2017

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Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

This spring has been full of transition and change. Our magazine has gone through a complete redesign and is now full of life and in full color! Our staff has worked hard learning all of the format changes and helping choose submissions to showcase in Ram. I am so proud of the staff and our final product, but we will still continue to push creative boundaries and create an increasingly better publication.

We have put together a beautiful magazine, and I can't wait to continue to innovate Ramifications next year.

-Darian Kuxhouse

Ramifications, Spring 2017

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Editor-in-Chief’s Note:

This year has been a big one for the Ramifications team. Not only did we have the most submissions in the history of the magazine, but we also had the most diverse set: nonfiction pieces, creative essays, sculptures, novel excerpts, poems, a whole children's book, etc. You name, we got it. Nothing could have made us prouder or happier. Our magazine is dedicated specifically to make sure your voices get heard, and we've heard so many voices with this edition. We have more genres and more people represented than ever before. To top it all off, this is out fiftieth year of publishing. I can't think of a better time to celebrate the diversity that encompasses our campus. In order to do that, we wanted to include something special: on pages four and five we've included a double spread of the many diverse and beautiful covers that Ramifications has seen. Remember that we are here, as always, to support everyone. Thank you to everyone who submitted, to everyone who made beautiful art and trusted us with it. We are always so appreciative and thankful for our artists, our writers, and our community. We are hopeful for the future, and we are grateful for our past.

Thank you for being on this journey with us.

-Carey Blankenship

Ramifications, Fall 2016

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