Everything is Too Much
Neil Left
Beaten blue feet hit breaking black earth
Everything in the heart land’s arrhythmic
Tears stream down frozen facial pangs sting
Everything is starting to hurt
I don’t know why I get sweats at night
Why the silence in my ear starts to ring
But frantic colors paint my heel turn
I don’t want to be happily violent
I only want to be asleep
Self centeredness is the only sin
I am subsumed within myself
Turn on the songs of George McCrae
Take Delta eight and float away
This ritual, ceremony, spiritual, centered
Centered around … self I suppose
Three breaths in I lose my clothes
Still I float, on the subtle greens of air
My tongue tastes like ash, smoke fills my hair
Dead combines loom outside
Like giants who were never even alive
Lived for hundreds of years then died
In my back yard, on grandads farm
Red dripped from his attic
I hope I don’t float up there
Mute toned bodies dance in my mind
They’re my company, the folks aren’t home
Mom works tonight dad is long gone
My kingdom is all in front of my naked form
I own it in principal, no one else is here to claim
By virtue of governmental trade
Beads for land or a squatters waste
I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive but even if I die today
I’ll never know how anyways
I’m a slow finger moving to point
From my hip towards my love
Is it sad; they’ll never know
I must be thankful for the screens I got
Technicolor toned bodies in my innocent eyes
There’s never anything to do outside
The nearest drive thru is 40 minutes via bike
And naked on linoleum here I lie
The old McMansion is made of cardboard and paste
Lottery birth based on shrewd investments and life insurance claims
By virtue of there is nobody else here that could take
By virtue of lives really aren’t that difficult to replace
When you live on the hill in the city made of gold