Annabelle Norton
The time you held me in your arms,
Fingertips touching, wet garments scattered
And damp hair matted,
We were the scent of saltwater
And your grandmother’s tequila.
I was the owl you found broken
On the side of the road or the mite-ridden cat
That we rescued from the lakeshore,
Brought into your bed so I didn’t die alone.
I wait for you like a dog in traffic,
Your speeding tickets between my teeth.
We drink orange juice and water from an empty vodka bottle.
You gave yourself tattoos, Saturn and the moon.
They turned out misshapen circles
But I like them.
I touched you through the water, your shoulders sheltered
From the wind. It’s an hour and fifteen for fifteen
Minutes of Valentine’s Day.
You drove to find me, or did you just want to drive?
I keep your suede journal on my dashboard, your feelings
For me are locked in your glove compartment.
You and I are passing through each other,
And you are leaving me behind.
You pray to a poster of Stevie Nicks
And I would buy you a prayer
Candle if we make it to your Gemini spring.
So, I’ll buy expensive coffee and pretend
To write something profound about you.
This poem is about you.
This time it means something, you said. Or
It didn’t mean anything before.
I couldn’t pin you down on paper
Anymore than I could preserve a butterfly.
Pining for the moon,
I’d give it to you in return
For a moment of your time.
You are water sliding between Phoebe’s
fingers. Two girls in short skirts roller skating,
Hold my hand so we can only fall together.